Mac Zen understands the benefits of swift issue resolution. Increased uptime for you and your staff leads to improved business productivity. Our Mac remote support service provides instant, secure access to the affected systems, allowing us to efficiently resolve many issues while off-site. So there is no need to clean up for your technician or pay the full call out and on-site fees.
Many issues that affect Mac systems and machines can be effectively resolved using the commercial grade remote-control software, TeamViewer.
Each session is secure and access is removed the moment you quit the app. Receive immediate results, allowing you to focus on the day to day of running your business.
Duncan quickly and efficiently responds to phone calls and emails, and now maintains my networks so that I have fewer issues. Duncan is knowledgeable and helps you go over your options, making you feel comfortable in your decisions. The peace of mind I have as a result of Duncan is something I would recommend to anyone. Plus he’s very entertaining!
Gabrielle Cox, gabbyWears/Karma Kameleon
Secure Remote Support $100 p/h ex GST
Get in touch to organise a friendly chat about your business requirements and let Mac Zen take the stress out of setting up and maintaining your office or creative studio’s IT workflow.